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Discover the power of our robotisation

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Are you in need of serial work? In order to work as efficiently as possible, we rely on our robots. They allow us to work unmanned, even at night or during the weekend. The result? A faster turnaround time and a consistent finish.

Lasrobot voor seriewerk - Fidomatic

Welding robot

Our Yaskawa welding robot with L-manipulator is the perfect solution for welding series work. It is easy to programme, which enables us to generate set-ups very quickly and therefore deliver high-quality end products within the shortest possible time.

More about our welding robot

Loading robot

Our 5-axis milling machine is equipped with a loading robot to be able to finish series or recurring parts unmanned. In this way, we can also work through the night or during the weekend and, consequently, deliver faster.

More about our loading robot
Beladingsrobot voor seriewerk - Fidomatic

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